Tuesday, 28 March 2017



बचपन  भगवान  द्वारा दिया हमारे  लिए  सबसे महत्वपूर्ण  उपहार  है  जिसे  हमें  सीने  से  लगाकर  रखना 

चाहिए ।  क्योंकि  इससे  हमारी मुलाकात जीवन  काल  में  केवल  एक  बार  ही  होती  है । 
Image result for bachpan
यह  एक  बहुत  ज़रूरी  चीज़  है  और  इसके

 बिना  कोई  भी  मनुष्य  बड़ा  नहीं  बन  सकता

 है , ऐसा  हो  ही  नहीं  सकता  कि  आप  बचपन

 बिना  अनुभव  किए  ही  बड़े बन सकते  हो।

 भगवान  ने  सब  कुछ  सोच  समझकर  बनाया

 है ।  बचपन  मनुष्य  के जीवन  में ऐसा समय

 होता है  जब  वह  सबसे  अधिक  मज़े  लूटता

 है  क्योंकि उसे कुछ काम नहीं करना है ।

 पढ़ाई का बोझ बहुत कम  होता  है ।  और

जैसे -जैसे हम बड़े होते जाते  हैं  वैसे -वैसे  बोझ

 बढ़ने  लगता  है  और  वो  भी  हर ओर से।

बचपन एक ऐसा समय होता होता  जिसमें हमें बहुत  कम अनुभव होता हैं  और हमने असली दुनिया देखी  ही

नहीं  होती है।  और न ही हम उसे देख पाते हैं  क्योंकि हमारा मन सिर्फ खेलकूद और मौज  मस्ती के बारे में

सोचता है।  और यही सही उम्र होती है क्योंकि आगे जाकर हमें इतना समय मिलेगा ही नहीं और पढ़ाई का बोझ

 भी बढ़ता ही है। बचपन हमारे दिमाग में थोड़े समय  तक यह सोच बिठा देता है की जीवन बहुत सरल होता है।

परंतु यह सच नहीं है और यह हमें बाद में पता चलता है। बचपन ढंग से बिताना बहुत आवश्यक है। क्योंकि इसी

 पर हमारा जीवन निर्भर करता है। कुछ बच्चे अपना बचपन ढंग से नहीं बिता पाते हैं क्योंकि या तो उनके माता-

पिता  उन्हें  वह आनंद नही उठाने देते या फिर उनके परिवार पर गरीबी छायी  होती है। और वह अपने बच्चों

की माँग पूरी नहीं  कर पाते हैं। इससे माता- पिता  खुश नहीं  पाते। क्योंकि वह अपने बच्चों को खुश नहीं पाते हैं।

 बचपन अगर ढंग से न बिताया तो बच्चे आत्महत्या भी कर सकते हैं। क्योंकि  वह  बहुत दुखी होते हैं और कुछ

भी कर सकते हैं क्योंकि क्योंकि वह छोटे और मासूम  हैं। 

अंत में मैं यह ही कहना चाहूंगी की बड़े होकर एक आदमी अपने बचपन

को कभी नहीं भूल सकता। और उसमें हमेशा थोड़ा सा बचपन तो रहता ही



Monday, 27 March 2017

Merits and Demerits of Hostel life

Hello everyone,
One question always strikes  in our mind- Whether hostels are good or not,
So go ahead and read this article, I hope it will help you.....


Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life

Hostel life has its own charm for most of the children. They consider that education remains incomplete without staying in the hostel. They think that they get a chance of dealing with people of different cultures, castes and regions and can get positive points of each culture. Students develop self-confidence and self-reliance and get mature to take their own decisions. They also get a chance to participate in sports and games as they get ample time while staying in hostel and they can improve their academic performance too. Hostel life teaches us how to be disciplined, punctual and co-operation. So ideal age for hostel is from 12 to 16 years in which students get mature enough to handle their own problems.

While considering over the advantages of hostel life, we must not ignore the negative aspects of it. Some children who are forced to stay in hostel, cannot adjust themselves. They get under depression and start taking drugs which leads to their poor health. They lose family ties, and are deprived of parental love. Some children don't relish food or dishes served to them. Moreover, hostel life is quite expensive. Rich people send their children to hostels as a symbol of richness. Children who can't adjust to hostel life sometimes develop psychological problems for which parents have to repent for the whole life.

To conclude, I would like to say that hostel life has its own advantages and disadvantages. The person who succeeds in making a rapport between his/her life and hostel would be happy from his hostel life and the one who is unable to do the job would curse his/her decision.






Save Girl Child

Girls are the most beautiful creation of this universe. The hand that rocks the cradle, the procreators, the mother of tomorrow, a woman shapes the destiny of civilization. Such is the tragic irony of fate, that a beautiful creation such as the girl child is today one of the most serious concerns the humanity is facing.

In ancient times birth of a girl child was considered inauspicious. Today also in some orthodox families gender imbalance is becoming a serious problem. Female child is either aborted or killed after birth. Girls are considered a burden because of social evils like dowry system. Girls are prone to domestic violence, exploitation and many other cruel activities.

Traditions and rituals outline the existence of girl child in India. Why is there so much discrimination between a male and female child?

In India where Goddesses like Saraswati, Durga,Laxmi are worshipped, these too are considered females then girl child is not welcomed. Now girls are outshining boys in each field. They are  holding key positions as President, Prime Minister, pilots, doctors, administrators, engineers and so on. They perform dual responsibilities so efficiently.

So the need of the hour is to save girl child. Our Prime Minister has also launched a campaign  "BETI BACHAO, BETI PADHAO". Government has also banned female foeticide  and sex discrimination so that female child should not be killed before seeing the light of this beautiful world. Girls are really the beauty of this earth. They should be allowed to be born and bloom



Sunday, 26 March 2017

Don't Quit

Hello everyone, 

Sometimes in our life we face some hardships and hurdles in our way to success

Then we decide to quit, But its not the right way

So here's a poem to boost up your vanished confidence.....


When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all up hill.
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want  to smile, but you have to sigh.
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but Don't Quit

Success is failure turned inside out,
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt.
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far.
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit,
It's when things seem worse,
That you must Not Quit........


Hello everyone, this an quite informative and good article on Child Labor. 

So, go ahead and read it out......

Child Labor

    Children are the largest working force in India. Every year we celebrate Labor's Day on 1st May to honor the labor class who renders so much of useful service to us. But when we look at the small children working as shoe-shine boys,hawkers, maids, rickshaw puller and in mines,etc; we feel pained to see their plight as they are ill-fed and have to work under unhygienic conditions. During the playtime and going to school, they have to do hazardous jobs. They are badly treated by their masters and are paid low wages. In fact, their parents force them to do odd jobs as each member of the family earns money to feed the family.

Although our government has banned child labor but no one bothers for it. The employees prefer small children as they are available on low wages and they can't raise voice against their masters. 

It is high time that we must raise voice against employing child labor. These small children should not be deprived of their right to education and right to freedom. Those who employ these small innocent children must be punished and put behind bars. These children are the flowers of the earth and future of our country. We have to bring out the best talents in these small children. They should be sent to schools instead of doing low jobs.

What is Life???

Hello friends, Today I've come up with a poem on the philosophy of life, So go ahead, and check it out...... What is Life?   ...